REFLET DE SOCIÉTÉ - Magazines - Express Mag


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Founded in 1992, Reflet de Société is an information and awareness magazine on sociocultural issues in Quebec. Continuing its mission of popular, community and social education, the magazine offers a variety of articles on delicate or thorny subjects, such as prostitution, street gangs, the prison environment, homelessness, addictions, urban art, the LGBTQ+ community, First Nations, feminism, mental illness and dropping out of school. The testimonies of citizens or stakeholders are enhanced by a team of journalists who scrutinize and dissect social issues and debates. A compassionate way of approaching solutions journalism that is more sensitive to people’s experiences. PLEASE NOTE 6 issues per year, 2 issues delivered only 3 times a year.

  • Category: News & Current Events
  • Country: CANADA
  • Language: French

Subscription types

Regular subscription Price
REFLET DE SOCIÉTÉ 12 issues $86.93 / 24 months
REFLET DE SOCIÉTÉ 6 issues $43.47 / 12 months
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